Khamis, 12 Januari 2017

Penipuan MLM

Hari ni aku tertarik untuk menulis berkaitan penipuan MLM. Disini dikongsikan sedikit tips mengelak daripada ditipu oleh MLM yang tidak bertanggungjawab.

1. Sentiasa bersyukur dengan apa yang ada dan janganlah tertarik dengan kata-kata manis agen mlm atau hati hitam para melayu mlm terutamanya. Tak kisahla melayu mlm tu statusnya tuan haji, ustaz, ustazah, dan hatta apa-apa status skalipun. Sentiasa ingatlah akan peringatan Allah sepertimana kisah Qarun di dalam al-Quran.

“Maka keluarlah Qarun kepada kaumnya dalam kemegahannya . Berkatalah orang-orang yang menghendaki kehidupan dunia: “Moga-moga kiranya kita mempunyai seperti apa yang telah diberikan kepada Qarun; sesungguhnya ia benar-benar mempunyai keberuntungan yang
besar”. (Q.S. Al-Qashash, 79).

Berkatalah orang-orang yang dianugerahi ilmu: “Kecelakaan yang besarlah bagimu, pahala Allah adalah lebih baik bagi orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal saleh, dan tidak diperoleh pahala itu, kecuali oleh orang-orang yang sabar”. 
(Q.S. Al-Qashash, 80).

Maka Kami benamkanlah Qarun beserta rumahnya ke dalam bumi. Maka tidak ada baginya suatu golonganpun yang menolongnya terhadap azab Allah. Dan tiadalah ia termasuk orang-orang (yang dapat) membela (dirinya).
(Q.S. Al-Qashash, 81).

Dan jadilah orang-orang yang kemarin mencita-citakan kedudukan Qarun itu, berkata: “Aduhai, benarlah Allah melapangkan rezki bagi siapa yang Dia kehendaki dari hamba-hambanya dan menyempitkannya; kalau Allah tidak melimpahkan kurnia-Nya atas kita benar-benar Dia telah membenamkan kita (pula). Aduhai benarlah, tidak beruntung orang-orang yang mengingkari (nikmat Allah)”.
(Q.S. Al-Qashash, 82).

Negeri akhirat  itu, Kami jadikan untuk orang-orang yang tidak ingin menyombongkan diri dan berbuat kerosakan di (muka) bumi. Dan kesudahan (yang baik) itu adalah bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa. 
* Yang dimaksud kampung akhirat di sini ialah kebahagiaan dan kenikmatan di akhirat. Maksudnya: syurga. 
(Q.S. Al-Qashash, 83)

2. Semak profile syarikat tersebut dalam website SSM (Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia)yang boleh dibeli dengan harga RM10. Ada MLM yang tidak mengaku mereka adalah MLM. Ni macam seolah-olah orang tua miang nak pikat anak dara dalam internet, mana mereka nak mengaku. So kita kena pandai semak dan lihat bisnes profile sebagai panduan modus operandi mereka. 

Isnin, 9 Januari 2017

Kosa Kata English

Here are some useful expressions often used to make your language interesting.

Make sure you learn /memorise these expressions.

1.     Metaphor

  He was the apple of his eye (his darling)

2.     Simile

         As beautiful as a rainbow.

3.    Idiom

       A drop in the ocean

       A very small part of something. The statement is used to put things into a perspective, 
       generally as a proportionate statement.
       Their revenue is a drop in the ocean, compared to the debts.

4.     Proverb

A rolling stone gathers no moss (a person who often changes his job or who never settles in one place will not succeed in life)

Ahad, 8 Januari 2017

Restoren nosthalgia honey daging bakar

Semasa aku pergi kedah tempohari, sempat jgk singgah di restoren daging bakar Nosthalgia Honey. Alhamdulillah. Terima kasihla kat org kedah yg sudi payung kami.

Restoren ni ramai orang tapi nasib baik masa kami smpai dalam kul 2 lebih kurang, ada tempat utk kami makan berjemaah. Restoren ni duk tepi Lebuhraya Changlun, Kuala Perlis.

Kat sini aku pesan menu daging bakar. Skali rasa...emm memang sedap. Menu dia simple je. Daging bakar, sup, air lada dan ulam skit. Tapi kena la ngn selera. Daging dia ni 100 peratus daging tempatan. Lagi satu nasi tambah kat sini free.

Bleh zoom sedikit gmbar yg sempat aku snap utk perkongsian.

Rabu, 4 Januari 2017

Cara menggunakan Apostrophe

What is an Apostrophe?

An apostrophe is a punctuation mark that looks like this:  ’ (sort of half of a quote)

The rules for apostrophes vary with the type of word. Learn where to put apostrophes so that your writing is clear and correct. In short, apostrophes are frequently used to indicate possession and in contractions, but generally not to pluralize.

1.Never use an apostrophe to indicate a plural.
If you have more than one apple, then write apples, not apple's.

2.Use apostrophes to indicate possession.

There are two basic methods that make use of an apostrophe in constructing the possessive. Most words use an apostrophe followed by an "s" at the end of the word, although many situations require simply an apostrophe.
o    Place an apostrophe before the "s" when you are indicating a singular possessive.
§  "Jacob's shoes are very cool." The shoes belong to Jacob (singular: one person).
§  "I found the dog's old bone buried in the backyard." The bone belongs to the dog (singular: a single dog).

o    Place an apostrophe after the "s" when you are dealing with a possessive plural case that has an "s" at the end (e.g., book to books, tree to trees). But if the word is plural without an "s" at the end, this rule does not apply; add an apostrophe and an "s" as if the word were singular.
§  "Look at all of the sailors' boats!" The boats belong to the sailors (plural: there is more than one sailor).
§  “The pupils’ books have been marked.” The books belong to the pupils. (Plural: there is more than one pupil.)
§  "The children's dresses were pink and frilly." The dresses belong to the children, but since the word children is already plural without having to add an "s" at the end, this is an exception.
§  “The men’s coats were well designed.” The coats belong to the men, but since the word men is already plural without having to add an “s” at the end, this is an exception.

3.Use apostrophes in contractions.

 Sometimes, especially in informal writing, apostrophes are used to indicate one or more missing letters. For example, the word "don't" is short for "do not"; other examples include "isn't," "wouldn't," and "can't."
(Will provide you with more examples later on. )
Contractions can also be made with the verbs "is," "has," and "have." For example, we can write
 "She's going to school" instead of "She is going to school"; or
 "He's lost the game" instead of "He has lost the game."
A similar usage can be found in the notation of calendar years, as in '07.
In this case, the apostrophe appears in the spot where the missing numbers would have been (before the number, not after as in 07').

4. Be aware of the its/it's trap.

Use an apostrophe with the word "it" only when you want to indicate a contraction for "it is" or "it has." It is a pronoun, and pronouns have their own possessive form that does not use an apostrophe. For example, "That noise? It's just the dog eating its bone." 


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